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Opus release dates, with sources

I decided to make a list of release dates for the sets of FF TCG, because I just could not reliably find them anywhere. For every accurate date on the wiki, there are three weird ones that just don't make sense. An analysis of sales for the product by Square Enix is coming next Monday, along with a comparison between Square Enix and Hasbro with respect to their differing perspectives on FF TCG and MTG, respectively.

FF TCG began in Japan in 2011 in the chapter format (Chapter One packs say 2011). Here's a link from 2016 saying it's been out for six years. Chapter sets were only released in Japanese, in Japan. From Opus I on, sets seem to release at the same dates in the west as they do in Japan. Or at least I could not find any sources saying there are different release dates. If I am wrong, please let me know.

FF TCG started 25 February 2011.1
  • Opus I released 28 October, 2016.2
  • Opus II released 24 March 2017.3
  • Opus III released 4 August 2017.4
  • Opus IV released 1 December 2017.5
  • Opus V released 23 March 2018.6
  • Opus VI released 13 July 2018.6
  • Opus VII releases 2 November 2018.6


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